Critical Asset Management

Based on the most modern concepts of Zero Trust architecture, we change the way organizations manage their Information Technology (IT), Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Control System (ICS) critical assets. The Zero Trust concept assumes no trust in networks, devices or users, requiring constant, real-time authentication of network components, whether users, systems, equipment and devices.

In a modern environment that increasingly requires the integration of systems, equipment and connected devices, an attack on an OT network or ICS device can be initiated by an exploited vulnerability in an IT system. The centralized and integrated management of these critical assets mitigates the potential risk of a hacker attack.

Solution based on security best practices and compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2016), the US Government’s IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act (2020) and the UK Government’s Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security (2021).

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Critical Asset Management

Secure Communication

Secure Communication

Based on the most modern security concepts and practices, we have the most complete Secure Communication Platform for information exchange in private and public organizations.

It has encryption at the source, guaranteeing the security of the information in transit and at rest.

Unlike military-use tools, access is simplified and provides the user with a user-friendly experience when exchanging messages, chatting, making video calls, voice calls, and storing and sharing documents.

Our Platform has a design that ensures low complexity in implementation and user onboarding, with a focus on prevention and information preservation.

The Platform is composed of the Sikur Messenger application and/or a smartphone (composed of a set of software, policies and security guidelines), factory certified by Sikur engineers, observing the most modern security guidelines. Unlike an ordinary device that by default is open and easy to have its settings modified, which can allow the introduction of malicious artifacts, opening the door to data leakage and espionage, Sikur One comes prepared to mitigate these threats.

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Passwordless Authentication And Source Encryption

Passwordless Authentication And Source Encryption
This is an SDK that contains a set of APIs for implementing passwordless authentication and encryption in mobile and web applications. It eliminates the use of passwords on proprietary systems and thus prevents phishing and malware fraud.

It enables integration without complexity (avoiding failures during the process) and implementation of encryption to protect data in legacy systems: data is encrypted before it even leaves the device, making it unreadable to third parties.

With Sikur ID SDK it is possible to prevent the main cyber security problems: credential theft breaches and data leakage. Consequently, the solution avoids reputational damage, penalties and fines.

Based on security best practices and compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2016).

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Passwordless Authentication And Source Encryption